Practicing Resurrection in the Medicare Years

By Rev. Bruce G. Epperly, Ph.D.

One of my favorite Easter poems is Wendell Berry’s “Manifesto: Mad Farmer Liberation Front,” in which Berry counsels us to “practice resurrection.” Though written when Berry was in his thirties, this speaks to those of us in the Medicare generation, including “retired” or “flexibly employed,” as I describe myself, pastors, and church workers.

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2024 Pension Boards Annual Meeting of Members: FAQs and Online Voting

2024 Annual Meeting of Members

Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. EDT

The 2024 Annual Meeting of Members of The Pension Boards-United Church of Christ, Inc. will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2024 commencing at 2:00 p.m., EDT, for the re-election of Trustees and transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

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A Maui Recovery Update

Undoubtedly 2023 was a year of extreme weather events across the U.S.

The governor of Hawai’i, Josh Green, stated in a news report that the wildfires were the "worst natural disaster that Hawaii ever faced." He blamed the deadly blazes on a combination of weather conditions, linking them to climate change.

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Cybercrime Happens Way More Than You Think!

Consider the following facts:

The University of Maryland found that there is an average of 2,244 cyberattacks per day, which is one every 36 seconds.

The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) reported that small- and medium-sized businesses (SMB) are being targeted at an increased rate.

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