On Living A Passionate Retirement

By Rev. Bruce G. Epperly, Ph.D.

Two quotes capture the spirit of living a passionate retirement:

“My seventies were interesting, and fairly serene, but my eighties are passionate. I grow more intense as I age.” —Florida Scott-Maxwell

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” —Howard Thurman

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Make Mental Health a Priority

Many people may handle their work, family duties and other day-to-day activities “okay”, yet inside they are feeling anxious, sad, stuck and lonely. It’s easy to dismiss these feelings as just “life stress.” Instead, tuning in to—not out of— these feelings and making your mental health a priority can help you achieve total well-being to function at your best. Keep the following in mind to move from “just getting by” to feeling happier, hopeful, and connected.

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Top Tips for Women’s Health

Keeping up with regular preventive screenings and making simple lifestyle changes can help you stay healthy and feel good. Here are the top tips for women, which can help you improve and maintain your health:

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Don’t Become a Victim!

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Kevin Mitnick, “The World’s Most Wanted Hacker” and KnowBe4’s Chief Hacking Officer, gives you the information you need to protect yourself against the strategies and techniques hackers use to take control away from you and your organization.

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Telehealth Services: A Permanent Shift in Healthcare Delivery

The Benefits of Teladoc for You and Your Family

Teladoc, the Pension Boards’ telehealth service partner, has become essential for basic care in many households. Although telehealth is not a new concept, the use of telehealth has grown tremendously in recent years. In fact, telehealth has become a fundamental and permanent shift in healthcare delivery, especially after its surge during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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