Life, Passion, and Mission: Pension Boards’ Staff
Brian R. Bodager, President and Chief Executive Officer
Outside of the Pension Boards, family is very important. Spending time with my children and grandchildren is my greatest passion and top priority. Travel is also a passion. In the next year, we plan to travel to Northern Europe and to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands for pleasure. Business travel will take me to Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Illinois, and several other states. Travel to the Middle East to visit partners is being considered. Additionally, I am a golfer and tennis player, always working on my skills. Recently, I took up pickleball as a substitute for tennis.
Baheru Mengistu
PBUCC Pension Counselor
Like planning for other major phases of life, planning your ideal retirement is going to be affected by elements beyond your control. Thankfully, there are several decisions and steps you can take that are directly in your control.
Rev. Bruce G. Epperly, PhD
In their “retirement” years, many pastors return to congregational ministries as interim ministers, supply preachers, pastoral caregivers, or bridge or sabbatical replacements. Some do so for financial reasons: to supplement their pensions and Social Security or to have extra money for travel or home improvement. Others return to ministerial settings because they simply enjoy doing ministry or, in the case of some short-term or interim or bridge positions, to spend several months in a place of beauty or excitement.
June 30, 2023
Caroline Corrigan O’Hare, a marketing executive with two decades of experience, has been named Head of Marketing and Sales for the Pension Boards-United Church of Christ (PBUCC), effective June 30, 2023.
Reporting to the EVP & Chief Administrative Officer, Corrigan O’Hare will serve as a brand ambassador for the Pension Boards. In this newly-created role, she will be responsible for building and leading a marketing and sales team to build awareness of the Pension Boards products, programs, and services and drive growth among both current and potential customers.
Rev. Bruce G. Epperly, PhD
One of the iconic scenes regularly enacted in the novel and televised versions of Agatha Christie’s “Hercule Poirot” involves Poirot pointing to his head and saying: “It is the brain, the little grey cells on which one must rely. One must seek the truth within—not without.” Elsewhere, the detective notes that “in the little grey cells of the brain lie the solution to every mystery.”
New York (June 26, 2023) Brian R. Bodager, President and CEO of the Pension Boards-United Church of Christ (PBUCC) has announced the addition of a new Sustainable Climate Policy to the PBUCC’s Investment Policy Statement. This announcement comes on the 10th anniversary of the passage of the United Church of Christ’s 2013 General Synod resolution urging divestment from fossil fuel companies in the effort to address climate change.
New York (June 16, 2023) – Brian R. Bodager, President and CEO of the Pension Boards-United Church of Christ (PBUCC) and Walter A. Reyes, Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, have announced the publication of PBUCC’s 2023 Diversity in Our Workplace, a diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI&B) report, detailing the organization’s progress in advancing goals set in 2022.
In addition to providing year-over-year updates in the areas of governance, social and racial justice, talent acquisition, pay equity, partnerships, and socially responsible investing, the new report, themed “In Our Words,” centers around the Pension Boards’ organizational Cultural Transformation Journey, begun in 2020, and features the personal reflections of both staff and members of the Board of Trustees on their experiences.
PBUCC’s 2023 Diversity in Our Workplace, a diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI&B) report, details the organization’s progress in advancing goals set in 2022. Read it now.
We are excited to announce that the Pension Boards has chosen Fidelity Investments® as the new provider of recordkeeping services for the Lifetime Retirement Income Plan for the United Church of Christ (Plan), also known as the Annuity Plan for the United Church of Christ. A recordkeeper tracks and reports on retirement plan assets, account balances, contributions, and investment mix and performance. Your current mix of investments and investment options will not change as we transition our recordkeeping services to Fidelity.
The process of retirement can be a journey into the unknown. Female clergy have their own lens and experiences of this journey, but who is talking about it and helping to equip clergy women through this life stage?
The good news is that the Pension Boards-United Church of Christ, is launching a new initiative called Soft Landings in Retirement, a program focused on easing and optimizing the transition of female clergy as they retire. The United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance (UCBMA) is providing financial and administrative support as part of its commitment to care for those who serve the church in every phase of their pastoral career.