The Lifetime Retirement Income Plan for the United Church of Christ is on the Move!

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We are excited to announce that the Pension Boards has chosen Fidelity Investments® as the new provider of recordkeeping services for the Lifetime Retirement Income Plan for the United Church of Christ (Plan), also known as the Annuity Plan for the United Church of Christ. A recordkeeper tracks and reports on retirement plan assets, account balances, contributions, and investment mix and performance. Your current mix of investments and investment options will not change as we transition our recordkeeping services to Fidelity.

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Soft Landings in Retirement—A New Pension Boards Initiative for UCC Clergy Women

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The process of retirement can be a journey into the unknown. Female clergy have their own lens and experiences of this journey, but who is talking about it and helping to equip clergy women through this life stage?

The good news is that the Pension Boards-United Church of Christ, is launching a new initiative called Soft Landings in Retirement, a program focused on easing and optimizing the transition of female clergy as they retire. The United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance (UCBMA) is providing financial and administrative support as part of its commitment to care for those who serve the church in every phase of their pastoral career.

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Pension Boards Named Among Top Workplaces in New York City for 2023


The Pension Boards-United Church of Christ, Inc. has been named a Top Workplace among New York City Top Workplaces for 2023. Top Workplaces is the nation’s leading employer recognition program, and the award is based solely on feedback offered by current employees. Only 41 companies were named to the 2023 list of Top Workplaces in New York City.

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Your Perfect Day

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 Rev. Bruce G. Epperly, PhD

For many years, I assigned Tuesdays with Morrie as a text in my first-year Theology class during my days as Protestant Chaplain for Georgetown University. At the beginning of their journeys, I wanted my students to reflect on the meaning of life, as taught by an aging professor, dying of ALS.

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The Pension Boards Introduces Live Webinars in Spanish

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The Pension Boards recently hosted its inaugural financial wellness webinar in Spanish for its Spanish-speaking members in March 2023.

The webinar, led by Taisha Rivera Cruz, Associate, Benefit Consultant, focused on financial planning for disasters, which informed participants how to financially prepare for unexpected life events such as illness, job loss, or natural disasters, which can significantly impact one's finances.

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2023 Pension Boards Annual Meeting of Members: FAQs and Online Voting

2023 Annual Meeting of Members

Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. EDT

The 2023 Annual Meeting of Members of The Pension Boards-United Church of Christ, Inc. will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023 commencing at 2:00 p.m., EDT, for the election of Trustees and transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

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2022 Annual Report Magazine

To request a print copy of the Annual Report, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please include your name and postal mailing address in the request.

Some Banking Facts & Assurances

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The epicenter of recent events is Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), which took most of its deposits from venture capital related private companies, especially in the past two years, and invested those short-term demand deposits in long-term Treasury and agency securities. Depositors began last week to make substantial withdrawals of their funds at SVB based apparently in part on rumors in Silicon Valley about SVB’s stability. SVB’s own cash and capital needs accelerated due to losses on sales of its securities to fund the customer withdrawals. In other words, we have seen a classic “run on the bank.” The same concerns of depositors also triggered similar behavior at a few other smaller banks.

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