The Tragedy in the Israel-Palestine Region

The Pension Boards-United Church of Christ (PBUCC) is deeply saddened by the ongoing crisis in the Israel-Palestine region, a situation that has caused immeasurable suffering for countless innocent victims of terror. In recent years, several PBUCC leaders have visited the region and witnessed firsthand the pain and hardship experienced by the individuals and communities affected. Our hearts are heavy by the violence that continues to unfold in the land held sacred by the three Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We mourn the thousands of women, children, and men whose lives have been lost.

As a global community, we are all connected with one another. PBUCC is committed to making a positive impact that recognizes our connectedness and interdependence with our siblings throughout the world and the inherent value and dignity of all human life. We believe in the fundamental principle that every individual deserves the right to protection and autonomy. It is a core value that guides our work, and we advocate for a peaceful resolution that upholds the rights and dignity of all people so that they may be free from the agony of terrorism and war.

PBUCC’s investment policy reflects our commitment to the principles of non-violence. We believe it is our responsibility to encourage and persuade corporations with business operations throughout the world and in which we invest to lead the way in adopting sustainable and humanitarian practices. By leveraging our influence, PBUCC aims to create a ripple effect that benefits society as a whole and contributes to the greater good.

In these challenging times, we also commend the efforts of the United Church of Christ (UCC) in advocating for a ceasefire and providing humanitarian assistance. The UCC’s dedication to promoting understanding and alleviating suffering is a beacon of hope in the midst of this tragic adversity.

We are proud to be a voice, speaking boldly for change that is essential for the well-being of humankind. Our advocacy extends beyond financial decisions; it encompasses a broader vision of social responsibility and ethical leadership. We will continue to advocate for a future where compassion, understanding, and peace prevail, and where the rights of all individuals are respected and protected.