Partnering to Achieve Investment Returns and Impact

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Lan Cai, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, interviews Kellie Metcalf, Managing Partner, EnCap Investments L.P., on the Pension Boards-United Church of Christ’s investments in the EnCap Energy Transition Fund (EETF), which supports the decarbonization of the utility industry and corporations by providing renewable power generation and battery storage.

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Reflections from Climate Week NYC

The Pension Boards' Investment Team recaps Climate Week NYC, the largest annual climate event that includes over 600 events and activities across the City of New York. The events provide information on the Pension Boards' work in the areas of climate change, sustainable investments, responsible investments, affordable housing, and the investments we manage on behalf of our members.

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Understanding Social Security Retirement Benefits

Social Security is relied on by millions of Americans and is the bedrock of the United States retirement system. In 2024, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA), almost 68 million Americans per month will receive a Social Security benefit, totaling about $1.5 trillion in benefits paid during the year. This retired workers, dependents, disabled individuals, and survivors of deceased workers. This large number indicates that Americans recognize the importance of Social Security for their financial well-being.

Help yourself understand Social Security and its benefits by reading these frequently asked questions.

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Manage Your Retirement Accounts with Greater Ease

The Benefits of Consolidating Your Retirement Accounts

As UCC clergy, lay workers, or caregivers, taking the time to track or manage multiple retirement accounts from previous places of employment can be confusing and time-consuming, especially when your primary focus is either on ministry or those under your care.

By consolidating your retirement accounts, it’s easier for you to track your retirement assets, contributions, and withdrawals, allowing for a more simplified way to manage your accounts in one place.

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Security Hints & Tips: Protect Yourself Against Card Skimmers

Using your credit card at a gas station pump or drive-up ATM is quick and convenient. However, despite retailers following Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards to protect your information, cybercriminals are finding ways to steal your information. Cybercriminals are using technology called “card skimmers” to read and record your card information in a matter of seconds. Although retailers regularly check for card skimmers, learning how to protect yourself at gas station pumps and ATMs should be a priority now more than ever.

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