Next Generation Leadership Initiative (NGLI)


NGLI*11 (l) and NGLI*12 (r)

It is our pleasure to introduce you to the newest cohorts that are beginning their NGLI journey. NGLI is a leadership development initiative that equips, energizes, and empowers younger United Church of Christ local church pastors to build vibrant congregations that change lives and further God’s mission in the world.

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A Special Word from a Pension Boards Member

EdithIn celebration of National Customer Service Week (October 4-8), the Pension Boards honored its beloved member Edith Maclean, who recently celebrated her 102nd birthday, and who has been receiving monthly annuity benefits from the Pension Boards since July 1, 1985. Member Services Manager, Maria Soto, spoke with Edith through her power of attorney, who was gracious to answer a few questions on Edith’s behalf.

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Low-Interest Loans Available through Generations Financial Resources, Inc.

An opportunity to obtain a low interest loan is now available through Generations Financial Resources, Inc., (GFR), a specialty lending corporation and controlled affiliate of the Pension Boards.

The low-interest loans are available to participants in the Ministers’ Financial Vitality Initiative (MFVI), who have completed at least one full year of the program. These loans are intended to be used to pay down higher interest education and other unsecured debt.

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Is it too early for an orthodontist?

kids orthodontist

Believe it or not, the right time to make the first orthodontist appointment is when your child still has baby teeth! The American Academy of Orthodontics recommends that kids get a checkup by age 7 – and earlier if your dentist suspects a problem.

By 7, your child has enough adult teeth to tell if the mouth and jaw are developing normally. If not, the orthodontist can advise which treatment will work best in your child’s case.

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