2023 Power-Up Your Finances Webinar Calendar

2023 Power Up Calendar thumbnailThe Pension Boards brings you informational and educational webinars that matter to you through our Power-Up Your Finances webinar series in partnership with Ernst & Young. Please add these upcoming events to your calendar. Read more.

Going Home by Another Road

car epperly

 Rev. Bruce G. Epperly, PhD

“Going by another road” characterizes many of our retirement experiences. We have intentions for our retirement, and then we have a dream that reorients our lives toward a new destination.

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Important Notice About End of Year Processing

Please be advised that any paper financial requests (such as withdrawals or distributions) received after 12:00 noon EST on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, will be processed on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. If you want to perform any distribution for 2022, your good order request must be received by noon on December 20, 2022.

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The Good Work God is Doing in Your Retirement!


 Rev. Bruce G. Epperly, PhD

Retirement is a time of harvest. A joyful retirement is a time in which a lifetime of growth, integrity, and learning is coming to fruition. A time in which we can look forward to new planting, new growth, new fruit, and new harvests. 

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FedEx Agrees to Greater Transparency on Climate Lobbying Activities



Debbie Wibowo
Marketing & Communications Associate

Richard Walters
Director, Corporate Social Responsibility
The Pension Boards–UCC Inc.

FedEx Agrees to Greater Transparency on Climate Lobbying Activities

New York, Sept. 16, 2022United Church Funds (UCF) and The Pension Boards–United Church of Christ (PBUCC), both ministries related to the United Church of Christ, announced today that as the result of their joint shareholder resolution filed this past April, FedEx Corporation has agreed to enhance public disclosure of its climate lobbying activities – including its membership in trade associations with significant climate policies – so as to better inform shareholders of whether those activities and memberships align with the Paris Agreement of 2015.

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