A Special Word from a Pension Boards Member

EdithIn celebration of National Customer Service Week (October 4-8), the Pension Boards honored its beloved member Edith Maclean, who recently celebrated her 102nd birthday, and who has been receiving monthly annuity benefits from the Pension Boards since July 1, 1985. Member Services Manager, Maria Soto, spoke with Edith through her power of attorney, who was gracious to answer a few questions on Edith’s behalf.

PBUCC: What words of wisdom do you have for the younger generation on saving for retirement?

Edith: “Moderation in all things. Be aware of your spending. Have a financial plan.”

PBUCC: How have you enjoyed being an Annuitant of the Pension Boards?

Edith: “I’ve been proud to be an annuitant of the UCC Pension Boards because the Pension Boards has been so generous to the elderly. The health and dental insurance have been superior, and it has allowed me to live a long life.”

PBUCC: What is your secret to living a long life!

Edith: “The secret to a long life is a question people frequently ask me. I credit my long life to my faith, good medical care, a sense of humor, and enjoyment of music. I’ve played the piano from age five until recently.”

Edith also shared that she loves mixed nuts and dark chocolate!

Thank you, Edith, for allowing us to celebrate you, our long-standing Pension Boards member, during Customer Service Week. Health, blessings, and peace to you!