Healthy Stewards Program

UCC Non-Medicare Health Plan participants and their covered spouse/partner are eligible to earn up to $500 in rewards for participating in healthy activities.

It’s easy to get started!

Follow these simple steps to register:

  • Visit, type organization name The Pension Boards United Church of Christ
  • Register for the website and enter the required information, then log in
  • Browse the features and program available to help you lose weight, get fit, eat better, quit tobacco, improve your financial wellness, reduce your stress, and more!

All of your Personal Health Information is protected and kept strictly confidential.

Member Assistance Program

All of us at one time or another have experienced some type of personal crisis or life event that resulted in grief, stress, financial loss, and more. At the Pension Boards, we are fully committed to your health and personal well-being. We care when life throws you a curve ball. Click here to learn more.