Climate Action

By Rev. James Moos, Executive Director, Faith and Finance Ministries

GettyImages 1195174769 1“It just took off as if there was jet fuel.” So said Sheriff Brett Meyers of Whitman County, Washington concerning the fire that mostly destroyed the town of Malden. At the time of this writing, there are more than 100 active large fires burning in western states that have consumed approximately 6.6 million acres. Dozens of persons have died as a result, thousands of homes and buildings have been destroyed, and numerous communities are experiencing the worst air quality on the planet.

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An effort to mitigate climate change

What does it take to become a responsible investor in today’s world? Do you think about making moral investment choices in ways that can impact the climate, our environment, or the way we utilize our natural resources?

The Pension Boards interviews Andrew Russell, Director of Fixed-Income Investments, to share how investing in green bonds (bonds specifically earmarked to raise money for climate and environmental projects) is one way Pension Boards’ members can add their footprint to mitigate climate change.

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Inspired by PBUCC’s Member Services’ Ecosystem


By Pratikshya Thakali

This summer I had the opportunity to intern within the Pension Boards-United Church of Christ (PBUCC) as part of the Member Services team and I am grateful for the experience, which as been nothing less than amazing! Like any college senior, I was looking for an internship, but I found something greater.

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Creating Meaningful Work at PBUCC

Intern Sheik

By Sheik Floradewan

The pandemic has left a huge mark on the class of 2020. We are among the worst graduating classes­­.

I didn’t have a graduation to celebrate my accomplishments, which is a big milestone as a first-generation college student, and I am entering the workforce amid a recession.

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All God’s Children Got Shoes: Using Our Corporate Social Responsibility Witness Toward Freedom and Dignity

“I got shoes, you got shoes, all God’s children got shoes.”
African American Spiritual

Basic necessities such as shoes and decent clothing were rare among slaves, but expressions of protest and hope were not. The meaning of the spiritual I Got Shoes was hidden from the oppressors but clear to those who sang it as they worked the fields: outrage at the cruel treatment of those who had no right to declare ownership of human beings, and confidence that justice would ultimately prevail. The day would come when they would attain freedom and dignity; all of God’s children would get shoes.

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