Pension Supplementation

Click here to view the Ministerial Assistance Grant brochure.

We know the challenges and often sacrifices that are made while serving in ministry, so the United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance (UCBMA), the charitable arm of the Pension Boards, looks to relieve worries and financial demands. In doing this, we ensure that people receive the care of the Church in their time of need.

Pension Supplementation was adopted by the General Synod of the United Church of Christ and the Pension Boards conducts that mission on behalf of the whole church. Retirees who qualify receive monthly financial assistance that brings their total household income up to a minimum level established annually. This minimum level is recommended by UCBMA to the UCC Board acting as General Synod ad interim.

Eligible persons are at least 65 years of age and one of the following:

  • Authorized Ministers with current UCC Standing
  • Lay Employees of a UCC congregation, Association, Conference, or National Setting (aka Qualified Church Controlled Organization), with a minimum of 10 years of service
  • Surviving spouses/partners of the above

These requirements must also be met:

  • Currently receiving a pension/annuity from the Pension Boards. To receive full supplementation benefits, it is required to have 20 years of contribution to the UCC Annuity Plan. For any eligible member of less than 20 years, a prorated amount may be granted.
  • Non-Pension Boards member may apply for Monthly Supplementation Grant. To receive full supplementation benefits, it is required to have 20 years of active authorization in the United Church of Christ. For any eligible member with fewer than 20 years, a prorated amount may be granted.
  • Total household income is below $42,250 for retired clergy or lay employee and below $33,200 for a surviving spouse/partner

Values listed are effective as of January 1st, 2024. It may be expected but there is no guarantee that the established income levels would increase every year based on market inflation.

Note: Individuals who are Medicaid recipients or Medicaid eligible do not qualify. This includes persons living in a skilled nursing facility or nursing home that require the grant be reported as income. Once reported, state/federal benefits are typically reduced in relation to the amount received, negating any benefit of the grant.

Application Process
Individuals who wish to be considered for Pension Supplementation must submit an application and their most recent 1040 Income Tax Form. Pension Boards’ staff will review the documents for all combinations of assistance from Pension Supplementation, Health Benefits Supplementation, MA Monthly Grants and Christmas “Thank You” Check. Notification letters are mailed once the process is complete, the process typically takes 4-6 weeks.

All Pension Supplementation recipients must complete a renewal application annually. Eligibility for monthly grants is reviewed annually and is based on the total dollars available, as well as the number of eligible people applying at any given time. There is no guarantee that grants will be available beyond the current calendar year.

Please use the link below to navigate to our Grant Directory where you will find the link to the Ministerial Assistance Application.
Ministerial Assistance Grant Directory

If you are unable to complete our online application and need additional assistance or require a printable application please reach out to us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The source of funding is Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM), the Christmas Fund Offering, and the Ministerial Assistance Fund.